Hi, my name is Stevie Forestal, I’m 20 years old and my pronouns are he/him. And I’m happy to say I was part of the first year of Center BAE, the Broadway for Arts Education program. It was a great experience, fully and wholly. I got the opportunity recommended to me by a friend, and I can’t thank them enough for such a wholesome experience they’ve allowed me to have. The group was full of younger people, but I didn’t feel excluded. As a matter of fact, I don’t think anyone felt excluded, which was great. For around 12 weeks we focused on the social change ecosystem, a diversified group of roles people take on to help create or promote change in their community. And then we applied this to the theater by giving us many guest speakers in different roles in the theater community who applied to the roles we discussed. I was surprised it wasn’t the hands-on learning I was expecting, but now that it is over, I am glad it wasn’t.

We instead focused on ourselves as people, growing confidence, and getting to know each other. Every Monday I would get to see the same people, and I really felt a difference in how comfortable we were with each other. Acting or speech warm-ups, breathing techniques, and food really let us calm down,  get to know each other, and be in the right headspace. If I had a bad day beforehand, after walking out of the Center I felt much better. And I was able to learn to apply that outside of the internship as well. Oh yeah, did I say it was an internship? Because it was. I got paid for this. And two weeks in, I completely forgot about it.  My motivation to go every Monday was not based on getting paid, but on getting to have a welcoming space. It was that good of an experience. 

The main goal was that at the end of the 12 weeks, we would do an asset-forward speech/interview. Instead of a regular interview where you go to an employer and gave a speech or interview, the employers came to us. Asset forward meant that I was supposed to introduce not only myself but my skills and expertise. And before, I had a hard time recognizing my skills, but after 12 weeks it was a breeze. And me giving speeches was difficult. But the program gave me a safe space where I didn’t have to feel embarrassed, nor was I graded, and it wasn’t hard at all. 

Overall it was a welcoming program where I got to learn about theater, but more so about myself and how to apply positivity. And this knowledge was not only from Ben but from the guest speakers that we had. And we got to go on some amazing theater-related trips. I know the program is happening again next year, and if I have the time, I’m sure to join once again. I give my thanks to everyone for a great experience.


🎉 Shanti Bhavan Class of 2023 🎉


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